General’s Carbon Sketch Pencil


  • General’s Carbon Sketch Pencils are drawing pencils that feature a unique formula combining the smoothness of graphite with the darkness of charcoal.
  • These pencils are handcrafted with sustained yield incense cedar wood, allowing artists to create smooth, bold, and dark lines for their sketches.
  • The Carbon Sketch Pencils are known for their ability to lay down smooth, strong jet-black lines, making them ideal for various artistic applications.
  • General’s Carbon Sketch Pencils are sold individually, per pencil.
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To use General’s Carbon Sketch Pencils, follow these steps:

Start with a Sharp Pencil: Ensure your pencil is sharpened to your desired point for precise lines and shading.
Sketching Techniques: Utilize the pencil’s smoothness and darkness to create bold lines and shading in your sketches. Experiment with different pressures to vary line thickness and darkness.
Blending and Shading: Blend the graphite and charcoal-like qualities by using your fingers, blending stumps, or brushes to create smooth transitions between light and dark areas.
Layering: Build up layers of pencil strokes to achieve depth and richness in your artwork. The Carbon Sketch Pencils allow for layering to create intricate details and textures.
Erasing and Correcting: Use a kneaded eraser or a precision eraser to correct mistakes or lighten areas of your drawing without damaging the paper.
Experiment with Water: If using General’s Sketch & Wash pencil, try running a wet brush over the pencil lines to dissolve them and create a liquid graphite that can be manipulated like paint for unique effects.
To sharpen General’s Carbon Sketch Pencils, you can follow these steps:

Traditional Sharpening: While these pencils are designed to eliminate the need for sharpening with their peel-back feature, if you prefer a sharper point, you can use a traditional pencil sharpener suitable for charcoal or graphite pencils.
Specialized Sharpening: For a more precise and controlled sharpening, consider using a sharp knife to carefully sharpen the pencil tip to your desired point. This method allows you to customize the sharpness of the pencil tip for specific drawing techniques.
Maintain Control: When sharpening, ensure to rotate the pencil gently to avoid breakage and achieve a smooth, even point. This will help you maintain control over the sharpness of the pencil tip for detailed work.


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