Mont Marte Copper Leaf


  • Mont Marte Copper Leaf is a product used in the age-old process of metal leaf gilding to enhance the appearance of various items like paintings, sculptures, and picture frames.
  • It comes in packs of 25 sheets, each measuring 14x14cm in size.
  • The copper leaf can be used to add a metallic appearance to paintings, sculptures, leather goods, metal work, glass, picture frames, and more.
  • Instructions are included with the product.
  • It is recommended to wear lightweight cotton gloves when handling the leaf to avoid scratching or tearing it.
  • Applying a light dusting of talcum powder to the gloves can further assist in handling the delicate leaf.
  • The Copper Leaf is part of a range of Mont Marte leaf products that allow users to experiment with different metallic effects.


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SKU: MAXX0023 Category:
Directions For Use:
Ensure your work surface is clean and free from dirt, dust and oil.
Use a soft brush to apply a thin coat of silver leafing size (adhesive), to the area you want to be gilded.
Allow to set until tacky (usually 30 – 60 minutes).
Lift up a single sheet of leaf from the booklet and lay it across the sized surface.
Using a soft brush, gently smooth the leaf onto the work surface so that it adheres well.
Brush off any excess leaf.
For best results, seal the leaf surface with a leaf sealer or oil based varnish, as the leaf will tarnish if left unprotected.
What is the difference between imitation gold leaf and real gold leaf?
Imitation gold leaf, also called composition gold leaf or Dutch metal, is made from a combination of copper, zinc, and brass to imitate the appearance of real gold leaf. Real gold leaf is made from pure gold. Both can be used to coat surfaces and give the appearance of solid gold, but imitation gold leaf is a more affordable alternative.
Can imitation gold leaf be used the same way as real gold leaf?
Yes, imitation gold leaf can generally be used in the same way as real gold leaf, such as for coating picture frames, furniture, and architectural details. The application process may be slightly different, but imitation leaf can produce a similar decorative effect.
What are the advantages of using imitation gold leaf over real gold leaf?
The main advantage of imitation gold leaf is that it is much less expensive than real gold leaf. Imitation leaf can still create a gold-like appearance at a fraction of the cost.
What surfaces can imitation gold leaf be applied to?
Imitation gold leaf can be applied to a variety of surfaces including walls, ceilings, furniture, metal, glass, paper, and stone.
How durable is imitation gold leaf compared to real gold leaf?
Imitation gold leaf is generally more durable and less fragile than real gold leaf. However, it can still tarnish over time and may need to be sealed or varnished to preserve the appearance.
Can imitation gold leaf be used for art and painting applications?
Yes, imitation gold leaf can be used in art and painting, similar to how real gold leaf is used. It can add a metallic, gilded effect to paintings, drawings, and other artworks.


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